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Monday, February 15, 2010

9 billion people, why not?

The problem is not only the world population but also the amount of earth a population consumes! In a world with half of the actual population, if each person has the ecological carbon footprint of the USA the problem would be the same. We are consuming too much. This phenomena is called  Consumption overpopulation and  its a challenge because “Highly Developed Countries nations represent only 20% of the world population, yet they consume significantly more than half of its resources”

In Highly Developed Countries, we could do so much for the environment with a collective and responsible attitude such as sustainable consumption and mandatory environmental ethics in school at an early stage of the educative system. The adoption of a deep ecology worldview, voluntary simplicity as well as environmental justice and social ecology can achieved a lot in the social sector. 

A radical change in our economical development based on productivity and consumption for a sustainable and long-term development including natural capital preservation, use of renewable energies, waste management and pollution control and so much more…If we all change the way we live and think and teach it to our children, we will prepare a world where more than 9 billion people could live in peace and harmony with the environment.

Berg, L.R., & Hager, M.C. (2009). Visualizing environmental science (2nd Ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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